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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Hal Leonard > Faber Piano 英文版 > Pretime to Bigtime > Showtime Lv.2A > ShowTime® Piano【Kid's Songs】– Level 2A

ShowTime® Piano【Kid's Songs】– Level 2A
Faber Piano Adventure, Elementary Playing

ShowTime® Piano【Kid's Songs】– Level 2A ShowTime® Piano【Kid's Songs】– Level 2A ShowTime® Piano【Kid's Songs】– Level 2A
作者(演奏者):Nancy Faber, Randall Faber
商品品牌:Hal Leonard
零售價:250 元
會員價:228 元




 ShowTime® Piano Kids' Songs is a collection of popular songs that brings special joy to children. The variety, humor, and charm of the selections is especially engaging for the elementary pianist. Songs include: Tomorrow • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything • The Hokey Pokey • and more. The book is graded 2A and is specifically written to provide a smooth transition for the student between Level 1 and Level 2. Pieces are in the keys of C, G, F, A minor, and D minor, and begin gradually moving the hands outside of the 5-finger position. Circled finger numbers help alert the student to a change of hand position. Melodies are harmonized simply, usually with single notes or harmonic intervals.



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會員價:342 元