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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Chester Music > Godard Suite de Trois Morceaux , Op. 116 for Flute and Piano

Godard Suite de Trois Morceaux , Op. 116 for Flute and Piano

Godard Suite de Trois Morceaux , Op. 116 for Flute and Piano Godard Suite de Trois Morceaux , Op. 116 for Flute and Piano Godard Suite de Trois Morceaux , Op. 116 for Flute and Piano
商品貨號:CH55136 / HL14012859
作者(演奏者):Benjamin Godard
商品品牌:Chester Music
零售價:581 元
會員價:530 元




 An expressive piece full of spirit with contrasts and intricate writings within the flute part, which create a variety of moods within the piece. For the advancing flautist, Benjamin Godard's Suite De Trois Morceaux Op. 116 will provide a wonderful enrichment to your repertoire. Edited by Trevor Wye. The solo flute part is also included on a separate insert.




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