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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > The FJH Music Company Inc. > The FJH Pianist's Curriculum > Sight Reading & Rhythm Every Day > 【特價】Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day, Book 4A

【特價】Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day, Book 4A
Level: Early Intermediate

【特價】Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day, Book 4A 【特價】Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day, Book 4A 【特價】Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day, Book 4A 【特價】Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day, Book 4A 【特價】Sight Reading and Rhythm Every Day, Book 4A
作者(演奏者):Helen Marlais, Kevin Olson
商品品牌:The FJH Music Company Inc.
零售價:312 元
會員價:285 元

促銷價:225 元



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In Book 4A of this outstanding series, Helen Marlais along with Kevin Olson, provide students with creative, structured lessons and activities to further develop their sight reading abilities. New concepts include: sliding the thumb under the third finger; reading intervals that include ledger lines; the beginning of playing one octave scales; further study of intervals, cadences, chord progressions, and keys; to name a few.



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