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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > Hal Leonard > Faber Piano 英文版 > Pretime to Bigtime > Pretime Lv.Primer > PreTime® Piano【Music from China】– Primer Level <售缺>

PreTime® Piano【Music from China】– Primer Level <售缺>
Faber Piano Adventures

PreTime® Piano【Music from China】– Primer Level  <售缺> PreTime® Piano【Music from China】– Primer Level  <售缺> PreTime® Piano【Music from China】– Primer Level  <售缺> PreTime® Piano【Music from China】– Primer Level  <售缺> PreTime® Piano【Music from China】– Primer Level  <售缺>
作者(演奏者):Nancy Faber, Randall Faber
商品品牌:Hal Leonard
零售價:291 元
會員價:266 元




PreTime Piano Music from China is a colorful selection of folk songs and original Chinese works arranged at just the right level for the beginning pianist. Primer students meet LeLe the musical panda who playfully guides them through writing activities and discovery questions. Teacher duets provide support with harmonic richness and steady rhythms. Unique at each level of the series, a picture tour of China offers a visual sampling of history and culture. In addition, a duet improvisation and guided composition exercise draw students creatively into the Chinese sound.


The Bride's Farewell

Come Here Quickly

March Song (Gong Mode)

March Song (Yu Mode)

Ping-Pong Song

Shepherd's Song

The Young Pioneer Has Departed




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