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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > ABRSM (英國皇家) > Violin Star > ABRSM 英國皇家 Violin Star Theory

ABRSM 英國皇家 Violin Star Theory
An activity book for young violinists

ABRSM 英國皇家 Violin Star Theory ABRSM 英國皇家 Violin Star Theory
作者(演奏者):Blackwell, David / Blackwell, Kathy
零售價:557 元
會員價:448 元




Violin Star Theory is an activity book for young players in the early stages of learning the violin. Packed full of engaging exercises and games, it can be used alongside any beginner violin tutor to help develop a student’s understanding of musical notation. The imaginative activities link to practical music-making, building aural awareness and boosting the confidence of young musicians. 

Key features: • Written and practical theory activities, covering the note values, rests, pitches, time signatures and other symbols most commonly found in beginner violin tutors • Short, specially written pieces which can be sung, clapped or played • Quizzes, puzzles and a Violin Star Theory board game • Colourful illustrations and fun stickers • Complements the Violin Star beginner repertoire book.



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