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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > The FJH Music Company Inc. > Composers in Focus > Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Flight <售缺>

Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Flight <售缺>
Level: Late Intermediate

Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Flight <售缺> Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Flight <售缺>
商品品牌:The FJH Music Company Inc.
零售價:290 元
會員價:264 元




This imaginative collection contains four pieces depicting various forms of flight. The pieces are different in style, ranging from the delicate impressionistic sounds of Butterfly Dances to the heart-pumping intensity of Airshow Acrobatics, which features rapid repeated notes.



An Eagle’s View
Butterfly Dances
Air Show Acrobatics




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Martin Cuellar - Toccata

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Kevin Olson - Sonatina of the Old West

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Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Colors

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Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Seasons

Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Seasons

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會員價:302 元
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Kevin Olson - Oquirrh Mountains Shining

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Best of In Recital Solos, Book 1

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Best of In Recital Solos, Book 2

Best of In Recital Solos, Book 2

零售價:354 元
會員價:323 元
總計 50 個記錄 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Colors

Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Colors

零售價:354 元
會員價:323 元
Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Seasons

Kevin Olson - Sonatina in Seasons

零售價:331 元
會員價:302 元
Kevin Olson - Oquirrh Mountains Shining

Kevin Olson - Oquirrh Mountains Shining

零售價:206 元
會員價:188 元
Kevin Olson - Sonatina of the Old West

Kevin Olson - Sonatina of the Old West

零售價:229 元
會員價:209 元
好連得 鋼琴教本-2+教學CD

好連得 鋼琴教本-2+教學CD

零售價:240 元
會員價:192 元