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Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exhibition
Piano Book

Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exhibition Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exhibition Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exhibition
作者(演奏者):Modest Mussorgsky
商品品牌:Alfred Music
零售價:414 元
會員價:378 元







The inspiration for Mussorgsky's most famous work came from his friend Victor Hartmann, an artist and architect. When Hartmann died at the early age of 39, Mussorgsky and the rest of the Russian artistic community were stunned, so they organized a memorial exhibit of his work. From that showing came Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition, based on the sketches, watercolors, and architectural designs displayed at the exhibition, as well as a few private canvases that Mussorgsky had seen earlier. Each selection in this stunning masterpiece is connected by "Promenade" which moves between 5/4 and 6/4, representing the uneven gait of Mussorgsky walking to the next picture. 


1. The Gnome 


2. The Old Castle


3. Tuileries: Children Quarreling at Play


4. Bydlo


5. Ballet of Unhatched Chickens


6. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle


7. The Market Place at Limoges


8. Catacombae 


9. Hut of the Baba-Yaga


10. The Great Gate of Kiev





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