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目前位置: 首頁 > 國外出版社 > POCO Studio > Lesson > Poco Piano for Young Children, Book 3

Poco Piano for Young Children, Book 3
< Second Edition >

Poco Piano for Young Children, Book 3 Poco Piano for Young Children, Book 3 Poco Piano for Young Children, Book 3 Poco Piano for Young Children, Book 3 Poco Piano for Young Children, Book 3
作者(演奏者):Ying Ying Ng and Margaret O'Sullivan Farrell
商品品牌:POCO Studio
零售價:414 元
會員價:378 元





Book 3 introduces the concepts of key, key signature, scales, triads, tones, and semitones in a novel and exciting way: each key is a group of characters or objects with note-names (i.e. a band, a birthday party, a clothes-line with garments). Certain notes belong, while all other notes (accidentals) are outsiders. Transposition is a natural outcome of this concept, with a tune moving from one group to another. The child masters eight new notes (up to Treble High G and down to Bass Low F), which facilitates the playing of a more adventurous repertoire The semiquaver, semiquaver rest, dotted crotchet, and dotted quaver are introduced, and tempo markings are now in Italian. As in the previous two books, ensemble-playing is encouraged.



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